Financial Advisor Near You

Top financial advisers are available for a wide variety of client demographics. Learn how to find the best financial advisor for your needs today.

Financial advisors are available both online and, in your area, now. Many consumers misunderstand financial advisor services as something only available to the wealthy. This is not the case, however. Financial advisors are also available for clients in low-income brackets and younger adults as well.

To find the best individual financial advisor or company for your needs, you must first spend some time researching your options. Knowing the benefits hiring a financial advisor offers also helps you target your best options. Continue reading this informative guide on how to find the best financial advisors near you today.

Learn What a Financial Advisor Can Do for You

Conceptually, most consumers in the U.S. understand the necessity of maximizing their finances and assets. Some of these consumers prefer to handle these types of tasks on their own. When it comes to money management, however, many of them are unaware of the differences between independence and financial independence. Planning to build your own deck with limited construction skills is not the same as planning your financial future without proper market knowledge and a finance-based education.

Objectivity and Experienced Insight

Two key elements of effective financial planning include experienced insight and unemotional objectivity. A professional financial advisor provides both for you at all stages of the consultation and services he or she offers. This is helpful overall. This is especially helpful when you cannot provide these things for yourself. For example, certain aspects of financial planning (such as debt management) have potential to become emotional for clients. Clients who are financially stable also might miss out on new opportunities to expand their portfolios because they simply do not think to search for them during positive times. A professional financial management service bypasses these mistakes and leads its clients down the best possible paths for their simultaneous stability and growth.

Consulting and Perseverance

When you are standing in the middle of your financial big picture it is much easier to lose sight of your goals than you might realize. A financial advisor provides consultation based on his or her experience in combination with your concerns, goals and needs. Consultations also involve your financial advisor making suggestions pursuant to multiple avenues you might pursue to increase your wealth. Losing sight of (or flat-out overlooking) such opportunities is also easier to do than you might expect. With the help of a consulting financial advisor, however, you do not have to worry about losing sight of your goals or missing out on chances to improve your financial standing.

Financial management and planning both require perseverance. If you are taking a DIY approach to your finances, you run the risk of becoming distracted by other aspects of your life requiring your attention. You also might feel frustrated or disillusioned with the process along the way, especially if it is taking longer than expected to reach your goals. Sometimes emergencies happen as well, which require you to spend more money than is affordable. Situations such as this might understandably derail your focus regarding your financial future and all aspects required to successfully manage and plan it. A financial advisor is a trained, experienced professional with one job to do as follows: Ensure you make the most of your money and improve your financial situation steadily and progressively while in his or her service. A financial advisor helps you persevere through challenging or distracting times by handling the planning and focusing for you. They keep your goals and finances reasonable and organized. They also know how to adapt and overcome when situations take a temporary turn for the worst. 

Debt Management and Financial Planning for Low-Income Households

Debt management involves more than paying down various outstanding debts. Financial planning is also a viable strategy for low-income households just as much as it is for people with wealth. For example, one goal your financial advisor will pursue is intelligently transitioning your low-income status to one of financial stability. This might include resolving debt management issues such as satisfying delinquent accounts and paying down high revolving credit accounts. Debt management also includes planning for future debt by investing in long-term low-risk options and consistently transferring your money and assets to better situations whenever possible.

Perhaps you want your children to attend college but do not think you will be able to afford their tuition. Some low-income household members have been immersed in financial struggles for so long they simply do not realize the multitudes of financial aid and savings plan options available to them. A qualified financial advisor helps you see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel by:

  • Reducing your current debt

  • Planning intelligently for your future debts.

  • Transitioning your household from a low-income status to one of financial security and adequate means. 

Portfolio Development for Younger Adults and Successful Investors

Successful retirement planning often begins as a younger adult. A 401(k) and Social Security Income (SSI) are excellent tools to utilize for accruing retirement funds. They are not the only options available, however. Your retirement planning should begin in your early-to-mid-twenties at the latest. This includes making intelligent investments in the stock market as well as in silver ETF (exchange-traded funds). Gold bullion is another historically reliable investment option to explore as a younger adult.

What if you are already a moderately to significantly successful investor? Sometimes financial success when investing is temporary. Long-term financial success also has the potential to obscure your ability to see beyond what you have at present. A financial advisor helps you see new opportunities you might not have known were there. A financial advisor also helps you see potential risks, be they from too much activity – or not enough. Finally, a financial advisor helps you diversify your portfolio to maintain longevity and stability as an investor.

Financial Advisers – Top Companies and Average Prices 

The fees you pay to hire a financial advisor typically cost less than the amount of money you might lose without their assistance. Fees are charged as either percentages of assets under management (AUM), flat rates or hourly wages. AUM percentages typically range between one and two percent per year. Flat rates, also known as fixed fees, might cost between $1,000 and $3,000. Hourly wages range vastly between approximately $100 and $400 per hour depending on the experience level, location, and policies of the advisor. Please note: The amount a financial advisor charges as a flat rate will vary based on the number of money/accounts they are managing, the frequency of services provided and discretion. Some advisors work on a sliding scale as well, while others combine the three fee structure types situationally.

Resources to help locate the best financial advisors near you include the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), the Garrett Planning Network and the Financial Planning Association. also ranks the top 1,200 advisors in the U.S. by state. Three of the most renowned financial advisor firms in business in the U.S. today include: